Wednesday 28 August 2019

Belajar bahasa Hokkien Penang

Good Day!

Iye... kalau tengok betul2 tajuk tu memang lah, I nak belajar sendiri bahasa Hokkien Penang. Tapi I belanjar sendiri melalui online je. There's a lot of sites that you can go for learning and guide.

Why nak belajar Hokkien Penang? Emmm.. rasa mcm best je kalau boleh berbahasa lain. Dulu try Arabic masa dekat college - fail!, then Mandarin - tak habiskan - fail! So... this time around I nak balajar Hokkien language pulak. Lagi satu, it'll mae your lives easier kalau petah bahasa Hokkien, sebab orang mcm I yang nak/suka pergi Penang sangat2 lah berbaloi belajar.

I belajar kat mana? Dekat It helps a lot and I love it! Hope sgt lah by the end of lesson, I dah boleh at least under or speak basic Hokkien. Letak dalam resume mesti menarik. Kan kan kan?

Yours Truly,

Sunday 25 August 2019

Half Waif - Keep It Out


Well it is like this...I've been contemplating about one thing. Remember that I told you in my previous post, that I am going to be a student again.? Remember? Yeah now ok... I'm in actually dilemma whether to continue with registration or not. Would I have time to study on Saturday  although the classes will only be on Saturday noon 2pm-5pm.

I ni ada lah apply kerja dekat satu company ni dekat Bukit Jalil, and I know deep down my heart I tahu boleh dapat kerja tu. So perjalan ulang alik ofis ke rumah tu tak jauh lah sangat. Bearable org kata. So dilemma nya ada lah, I work 5 days a week and study 1 day per week and each week. Boleh ke nak cope up? I nak start running again, traveling, scuba diving balik (all of my activities masa I muda and slim). Because to be honest, I am not as pretty and slim as I used to be. Things change a lot for me, which mostly bad change. I don't workout anymore, I run no more, I don't eat healthy, I don't take care my of body health etc etc.

So... put that all in one jar, can you see how much effort I need put in order to improve on those areas? Study dekat MTA will only start on 14th September 2019. Another 2 weeks time! Gosh!

So... kesimpulannya I akan kerja 5 days week (8 hours) and study in MTA (3 hours) each week! (bila nya nak exercise kurus kan badan macam ni?) I hope I mampu nak go through every challenge come my way. InsyAllah.

Yours truly;
Ashikin Yusof

Wednesday 31 July 2019


Current Netflix series yang I tengah tengok sekarang, dah season 3. So far the jalan cerita is bagus lah walaupun akakkkkkk geram sangat dengan watak Tokyo tu. She is hot headed, boleh membahayakan crew dia yang lain. All esle is a OK. I try layan 2-3 episode sebelum tido, kalau dah boring tengok series I sambung pulak tengok movie. Hehe.

Ni lah kerja makhluk bernama Shikin kalau duduk rumah, dengar lagu in Youtube, stream movie, Netflix, eat or sleepzzz. "Mana lah tak gemuk Shikin oii?". Apa kesudahannya cerita Money Heist ni kita tunggu lah malam nanti. But but... kan best kalau kita ada satu komuniti yang boleh buat review movie, series or buku apa yang kita dah tengok atau baca. Rakyat Malaysia sekarang semuanya ke arah nak menjadi popular atas sesuatu sebab. Kalau buat review dengan followers ok jugak kan? Sama2 baca buku and tengok movie, then bagi review sesama sendiri. KALAU lah....... I ni instafamous, I'd do that with my followers.

That being said, yes... I ni jenis manusia yang suka membaca. Novel mostly, murder and love genre. Sometime aje datang moodnya baca buku self help/self improvement/business. Selainnya baca online, banyak about IT, Ecommerce, Fintech.

OK OK dah membebel, nanti korang boring. Korang yang nak/tengah tengok series Money Heist tu kalau jumpa blog I ni and nak review series tu sama2 jom lah. I OK je.

Yours truly,

Rompasso - Paradise

JONY, HammAli & Navai - Без тебя я не я

Lagu dari Russia, "Without you I am not myself".

Sweet 36

Yes yes yes... I was born 36 years ago on the 27th July 1983 in the evening in Kuala Lumpur.

What 36 has to offer? I don't really know but I count my blessings everyday for whatever and whoever I have with me now. I am grateful to have parent's that always love and care (though sometimes can be overly garang) with me and my sister, I am thankful for the food they put on the table, roof (house, even better) for me to stay and always cook my favorite food and always took me ate sate whenever I am feeling it.

BUT.... somehow I think I have wasted 6-7 years of my life worrying about other people, got into a toxic relationship, have a lady boss who was always crazy jealous of me for no reason and yeah...... again I stress here, A VERY TOXIC RELATIONSHIP.

However I am so thankful that I decided to move on with my life after I gotten out of the relationship, 5 years long of toxic relationship. I am so.... sabar I tell you. It is hard for me to move on after what have happened, tapi dengan izin Allah swt, alhamdulillah I am fine sehingga hari ini. No more rasa sayang, no more love, no more rindu walaupun masa dalam hubungan, si dia ada 5-6 orang perempuan dalam masa yang sama.

So... since I dah habiskan masa yang tak boleh dapat balik tu, I cuba lah untuk manfaatkan masa yang I ada sekarang dengan keluarga dan diri sendiri. Lagi satu, pengajaran I belajar dalam masa 5 tahun dalam perhubungan yang toxic tu lagi membuatkan I kuat. Kita perempuan bila sayang, memang sayang habis kan? Tapi setiap perempuan Allah kurniakan intuisi or intuition... maka percaya lah intuisi korang tu betul. Do not doubt a bit bila intuisi tu datang, sebab dia lah guide yang kita ada bila datang soal hati.

Ok Ok... bila umur dah 36 ni, I banyak muhasabah diri. Dad macam suruh cari calon. "Banyakkan baca surah sekian sekian" dia kata", and my reply was...."Ikin taknak lah, takut. Dah fobia. Takut dapat lelaki tak guna". See, you guys pun boleh dapat agak lah how fobia I am bila org cakap soal jodoh. Mana ada orang yang taknak kahwin kan. Tapi............... to be honest, it is not my time yet.

So... 36 dan keatas ni I nak fokus to myself. Kerja, cari happiness for myself before orang lain. Live life the way it should be. TO THE FULLEST! ....thought nak diving balik, running and etc. Ok, jadi korang....doakan lah I ni dapat apa yang I cita2 kan. I doakan yang sama untuk semua yang baca my rant ni. Hehe.💗

Yours truly,

Ashkn akan jadi student balik. Yay?

Iye.. I akan jadi student balik? Tapi kenapa? kan dah ada Diploma and Degree. Kan experience kerja dah banyak? Tapi kenapa nak jadi student balik?

Haa... ni sebabnya kawan2, menimba ilmu tu kan tak salah, since I ni jenis suka belajar benda baru I akan jadi "student for life" lah gitu. Lagi satu, Iakan ambil Diploma in Penterjemahan. So... say in the future I memang dah nak relax2 and taknak kerja pening2 kepala I buat lah kerja sebagai translator ni sebagai income. Bagus tak korang rasa?

My mom punya friend, bekas lecturer dekat UM buat kerja2 translator sampai duit pencen dia tak sentuh langsung and dia boleh melancong ke Europe relax2 je, ada mom's friend yg boleh dapat RM 25K per month. Haa best tak dengar? I suka lah dengar sebab kerja tak pecah kepala and tak ada boss2 yang nak demand sangat. Corporate world is filthy/cruel/blood sucking world and dangerous pada yg nak buat kerja ikut buku. 

Ok Ok, Diploma Penterjemahan ni I buat dengan Persatuan Penterjemah Malaysia along wih Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Dah dibelek nya borang register, tenaga pengajar semuanya hebat2 belaka. Semoga dapat lah I manfaatkan apa yg I belajar nanti dengan baik. InsyaAllah aamin.

Banyak manfaatnya kalau seseorang tu nak menimba ilmu, lagi berilmu lagi kita tunduk ingat asal usul kita. My plan, ambil kelas dulu, then bila dah belajar sedikit sebanyak boleh dah implement apa yg dibelajar tu utk buat side income. Slow slow orang kata.... and then bila dah betul2 nak tamat kursus kita pun laju kan lah sikit langkahnya. Tapi jangan tamak lah, ingat dunia sikit.

I boleh translate Malay-English-Malay aje. Tak ada proficient dalam bahasa2 lain. Tapi memang excited nak mula kelas nanti, InsyaAllah kelas akan start bulan 8/9 nanti dan berlanjutan selama 6 bulan sahaja and kelas will only be held on Saturday noo. 2pm-5pm. Best ke idak?

For my record/read:

So guys, korang kalau berminat nak jadi penterjemah bahasa boleh lah visit for more info! Sekian saja disini, jumpa korang again nanti ok.

Yours truly,

The Black Keys - Lonely Boy

Goyang2 badan kita tengok dia joget. Fuhhh!

Testing testing 1.2.3 & tak cukup tido.

Hi guys,

Ashikin here... I guess I am back on blogging. Yet, I don't know how many blogging account that I already have though. Tak apa lah, nevertheless I am happy that I'm back.

 "Testing testing 1.2.3 & tak cukup tido."... iye korang I tak dapat tido lena these few weeks ni although ada sustance yg boleh menbantu tido, banyak sangat fikir agaknya kan? Contohnya malam tadi, I updatte my resume.. I didn't use the normal ways of doing resume yg guna word instead I guna Illustrator so that I can get the layout that I wanted. Resume turns out well and clean looking.

My resume have always been simple and clean looking but this time around nak buat dia looking more presentable and ada lah selera orang nak membacanya. Kot2 satu hari nanti employer tanya, "cantik resume awak, kita pun nak cakap lah jugak saya guna Illustrator En.". Boleh kan berangan macam tu?

So.... for now this blog hanya untuk I coret luahan hati/opinion/review mengenai apa2 aje lah. No Adsense ke apa lagi, tak ada. Viewer pun lagi lah ak ada ye dak. Ok, dah pukul 7.04 pagi dah ni.. nak buat apa kalau mata taknak lelap? Tengok movie dah, dengar lagu dah, layan Youtube dah, nak makan? Aish kenyang lagi perutttt. Tunggu lah tengahari sikit. Ok lah, ciao! Nak buat benda lain pulak, doakan semoga hari I dipermudahkan segalanya. I doakan hari korang juga dipermudahkan ye. 💗

Yours truly,